Made without eggs and without baking, this tapioca cake combines flavor, practicality and irresistible texture!

Tapioca Cake (Without Egg and Without Oven)
Preparation time
Cooking timeminutes
There’s no way to try this tapioca cake and not want to repeat another piece!
800 ml of warm milk
500 grams of granulated tapioca
4 tablespoons of sugar
1 box of condensed milk
1 package of grated coconut flakes
1 bottle of coconut milk (200 ml)
Preparation mode
- Place the granulated tapioca and warm milk in a container and mix well.
- Add the coconut milk, 1/2 packet of grated coconut and 1/2 box of condensed milk (reserve half of each for the end), the sugar and mix until homogenized.
- Transfer the dough to a greased pan and leave the cake covered in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
- Unmold the tapioca cake, finish by adding the rest of the condensed milk and grated coconut to decorate and the recipe is ready.
Source: https://cidadeolimpica.com.br/bolo-de-tapioca-sem-ovo-e-sem-forno/