FED President Jerome Powell, Crypto para In the face of increasing concerns that the sector has been unjustly excluded from financial services, it signaled that it may have been time for the re -evaluation of banking regulations.
Powell’s statements came at a session at the Senate Banking Committee today.
During the session, the Committee President Tim Scott asked Powell whether financial arrangements have created unnecessary loads on businesses and whether the lawmakers would undertake to work together to address potential excessive access.
“I am committed to working with you on this issue, we are trying to avoid excessive load,” Powell replied and added.
Powell acknowledged that regulatory measures did not aim to isolate industries, but sometimes undesirable consequences. “We do not deliberately, but sometimes arrangements lead to some things and we need to work on it,” he added.
Scott also pressured Powell about whether he would cooperate with the lawmakers to end Debanking, and Powell confirmed his commitment.
Debanking on crypto came up again in Washington, and the lawmakers organized many trials and investigations on the issue. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate have recently organized sessions that focused on how crypto companies were affected by banking restrictions.
Last year, Coinbase climbed the issue to the Federal Deposit Insurance Institution (FDIC) via the consulting firm History Associates, and claimed that the institution deliberately cut the crypto industry from financial services.
Powell said that the banks were allowed to serve their crypto customers as long as they manage the relevant risks effectively.
*It is not an investment advice.
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Source: https://www.bitcoinsistemi.com/bir-seyler-degisiyor-fed-baskani-jerome-powell-kripto-para-dunyasina-uygulanan-baski-hakkinda-ilk-kez-boyle-konustu/