Want to make a quick and easy snack? Try this shredded chicken one! A sandwich for any time of the day. It looks very similar to those sold in the market!

Shredded Chicken Sandwich with Cream Cheese (Quick and Easy Snack)
Preparation time
Cooking timeminutes
See what ingredients are needed and follow the step-by-step preparation instructions described below.
2 slices of bread (wholemeal or white, your choice)
1 cooked and shredded chicken breast
2 tablespoons cream cheese
1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
Lettuce leaves
1 sliced ​​tomato
Salt and pepper to taste
Preparation mode
- Cook the chicken breast in salted water until cooked through.
- Let it cool slightly and shred the chicken with a fork or your hands.
- In a bowl, mix the cream cheese and mayonnaise until you obtain a homogeneous paste.
- Spread the cream cheese and mayonnaise mixture on one of the slices of bread.
- Place a generous portion of shredded chicken on top of the paste.
- Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Add the tomato slices and lettuce leaves.
- Cover with the other slice of bread.
- Cut the sandwich in half, if desired, and serve immediately.
Source: https://cidadeolimpica.com.br/sanduiche-de-frango-desfiado-com-cream-cheese-lanche-rapido-e-facil/