The Russian president, Vladimir Putinhas commented on his appreciation for South Korea’s decision not to supply weapons directly to Ukraine, and that Moscow is willing to restore relations with Seoul.

Putin made these statements during a meeting with representatives of the main international news agencies held on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

«As in our relations with Italy, we do not see any Russophobic stance when working with the South Korean Government. There is also no supply of weapons to the conflict zone. We appreciate it very much,” said the Russian president.

North Korea conducts artillery exercise with multiple rocket launchers aimed towards the South

Russia shows willingness to improve relations with South Korea while strengthening ties with North Korea

The comment drew attention because Putin, who began his fifth term as president last month, showed a positive attitude toward South Korea and spoke openly about the possibility of improving relations with the nation.

Relations between the two countries have cooled since Seoul joined a Washington-led move to impose sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. Russia has since labeled South Korea as one of the hostile nations.

Putin also mentioned that he is aware that the US is reaching out to South Korea for weapons to send to Ukraine and that he is watching the situation closely.

The Russian president stated that currently, unfortunately, certain problems have been created in many areas of bilateral cooperation, which is “a shame”, but that this is not due to a choice on the Russian side, but rather the leaders. South Koreans. He added that the channel “is open” from the Russian side, and that “they are ready.” He also added that Moscow hopes its relations with Seoul will be maintained, at least partially, to restore previous depth in the future, according to Russian news agency Sputnik.

Regarding North Korea, the Russian president reaffirmed his commitment to strengthening relations with Pyongyang, whether others like it or not. Relations between these two countries have strengthened significantly since the summit, in September last year, between Putin and the chairman of the North Korean State Affairs Committee, Kim Jong-un. Russia has been considering a reciprocal visit to the North.

Putin said, speaking to the TASS news agency, that the North Korean nuclear issue will be resolved gradually when Pyongyang is no longer threatened, stating that the North only “responds” since they “face threats all the time.”


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