Image: Pixabay

Plan País Argentina – the new generation collaborative citizen network and democratic innovation made up of more than 100,000 citizens from all over the country, which does not receive any type of public financing nor aspires to be a political party – highlights 5 key pillars to promote the development of the country , these are: Bioeconomy, Mining, Energy, Knowledge Economy and Tourism.

These are the large generators of quality private employment and genuine foreign exchange (that is, they have a positive balance, they generate more export dollars than they spend on imports). Each of them, with the right conditions, can multiply their current export values ​​by up to ten. That is to say, each of these 5 segments that currently generate exports of USD 74,000 million have the potential to increase in a period of 8 to 12 years to USD 182,000 million and in 20 years to reach USD 386,000 million.

Regarding these 5 fundamental axes, Plan País Argentina consulted all the political spaces that are competing to win the presidency of the country in the next general elections. Under the question: What do our candidates propose for the federal economic growth and development of our country? A detailed questionnaire was deployed that only La Libertad Avanza responded in a timely manner, while the other candidates asked for extensions or simply did not respond.

“This reflects, once again, the lack of interest of political parties in the connection and dialogue with citizenswhile evidencing the lack of prepared technical teams to agree and set positions on specific issues, linked to the development of sectors and industries in which Argentina has great competitive advantages at a global level, which exceed the already worn-out conversation about macroeconomics. We Argentines owe ourselves a great debate in which just as in ’82 we agreed to maintain democracy, now let us agree on a federal growth and development plan at a macro and micro level that we all know and defend; and that transcends any government in power.”, concluded Gabriela Tomasini, co-constructor in this citizen network.

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Plan País Argentina is a new generation collaborative citizen network and democratic innovation made up of citizens from all over the country and with divergent ideas, as represented by its builders, among whom are: Gabriel Griffa, Fernando Vilella, Fernando Meiter, Eduardo Outeiral, Rodolfo Tarraubella , Jorge Colina, Alberto Carlocchia, Annie Millet, Fernando Lapolla, Pedro Vigneau, Gabriel Delgado. Plan País Argentina does not aspire to be a political party, but rather to work together to raise the quality of public conversation and install a culture about the federal growth and development of Argentina.

Regarding these 5 fundamental axes, Plan País Argentina consulted all the political spaces that are competing to win the presidency of the country in the next general elections.

To see the entire questionnaire and the responses received by La Libertad Avanza, go to:

“¿Qué proponen nuestros candidatos para el crecimiento y desarrollo económico federal de nuestra Patria?”

About Argentina Country Plan

Plan País Argentina works on the development of a federal strategic plan at a macro and micro level, based on State Policies, which are maintained beyond any political cycle, and which are endorsed by a massively informed citizenry (who make them their own, advocate them and monitor them), allow us to get out of the current decadence to transform Argentina into a federal, republican, representative and prosperous one that includes all Argentines.

Argentina must develop industries in which it can be competitive worldwide, and only behind that competitiveness and profitability generate its powerful industrial fabric. Not the other way around. The network that makes up Plan País Argentina does not believe in protected or subsidized industries. At the same time, he postulates that the country must have both its balances, the fiscal and commercial, in surplus. Generate wealth, enlarge your pie, not continue managing (and trying to distribute) scarcity and misery. The State must redefine itself and organize its accounts. It also postulates the need for each ruler to report how he receives the government from him and how he delivers it and what concrete progress there has been, year after year, in the execution of these State Policies.

To achieve this, they will make use of Law 24,747 of Popular Initiative:

Iniciativa Popular


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