Image: Uruguayan Foreign Ministry

This new round included the celebration of the III Meeting of Political Consultations, in which under the co-chairs of the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, Nicolás Albertoni and the Director General for the Americas and the Caribbean of the Foreign Ministry of Japan, Ambassador Yasushi Noguchi.

A broad review of the bilateral agenda was made on political, economic, cultural, consular and cooperation issues, while views on regional and global issues were exchanged.

The excellent state of the bilateral relationship was highlighted, which has been going on for more than a century, and which is also reflected in the exchange of high-level visits; especially, the official visit of the President of the Republic Luis Lacalle Pou in 2022, the visit of the then Chancellor of Japan, Toshimitsu Motegi in 2021 and the visit of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Shunsuke Takei last August.

Likewise, the day before the political consultations and under the co-presidency of the Director General for International Economic Affairs of this Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Ana Inés Rocanova, the First Joint Committee for the Promotion of Uruguay – Japan Economic and Trade Relations was held, with the participation of multidisciplinary teams from the Ministries of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries; of Industry, Energy and Mining and Economy and Finance, as well as various Japanese ministries and government agencies.

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During this meeting, whose results were evaluated during political consultations, topics related to the promotion of trade and investments, improvement of the business environment, cooperation in intellectual property, health issues, digital transformation and 5G, green transformation were discussed, among others. and decarbonization, and public-private cooperation.

There was a broad review of the bilateral agenda on political, economic, cultural, consular and cooperation issues, while views on regional and global issues were exchanged.

This Committee, established in the Joint Declaration signed by the Heads of Government of both countries in 2021, has been extremely fruitful and has prepared the ground to continue working actively to intensify economic-trade ties.


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