Lian Junjie and Yang Hao won the top spots in the men’s 10m synchronized diving final at the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics on Monday. The victory marks China’s fourth gold medal so far at the Games in the French capital.
The pair earned a total of 490.35 points after performing six jumps, outpacing eventual silver medallists Noah Williams and Tom Daley of the United Kingdom (463.44) by more than 26 points. Canada’s Nathan Zsombor-Murray and Rylan Wiens rounded out the podium with bronze medals. Lian Junjie and Yang Hao led in each round and extended their lead on each jump before closing out the victory in dominant fashion.
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In synchronized diving, two athletes form a team and perform synchronized dives from a 10-meter platform or a 3-meter springboard. The competition usually consists of several rounds of diving, where each dive must be performed at the same time and with the same technique by both team members.
The jumps to be performed include different types and degrees of difficulty, they can be jumps forward, backward, and turns or pirouettes in the air. The jumps must be performed with perfect synchronization and in perfect harmony between the two athletes.
Judges score performances based on two main criteria: timing and technical execution. The first criterion refers to how well both team members perform the dive at the same time and with the same technique. Technical execution includes the quality of the dive, the entry into the water, and overall aesthetics.
The total score is made up of the judges’ scores for each jump, which are then added together to give a final score. The score for each jump is a combination of the difficulty of the jump and the quality of execution. The teams with the highest scores win the medals.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/deportes/2024/07/29/lian-junjie-yang-hao-brillan-clavados-sincronizados-cuarta-medalla-oro-china-paris-2024/