On November 12th, the Launch Ceremony of the Portuguese edition of the book was successfully held in Rio de Janeiro Overcoming Poverty and the Seminar on the Governance of China and Brazil, before the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping in the city to participate in the 19th G20 Leaders’ Summit and carry out a State visit to Brazil.
Important guests attended the event, including the Executive Secretary of the Communication Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Hu Heping, the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Rio de Janeiro, Ms. Tian Min, the editor-in-chief of the China International Communications Group (CICG), Mr. Gao Anming, the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Hunger Alleviation (MDS), Mr. Osmar Júnior, the president of the Institute Brazilian Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Mr. Marcio Pochmann, as well as Chinese and Brazilian representatives from the areas of publications, media and think tankstotaling around 300 participants.
Those present highlighted that the book Overcoming Poverty is an important work of President Xi Jinping, which records and reflects his relevant ideas and approaches on poverty eradication, local governance, reform and development. With great philosophical and intellectual value, the book, according to the guests, can offer new spiritual impetus and practical inspiration to strengthen cooperation and exchanges between China and Brazil in various fields, including poverty reduction, and will certainly win the attention and appreciation from readers and the Brazilian public.
At the launch ceremony, guests from China and Brazil participated together in revealing copies of the book Overcoming Povertyand the Chinese side delivered the copies to the Brazilian side. After the launching ceremony, experts and academics from the two countries led discussions on eliminating poverty and hunger and jointly exploring paths to modernization.
This event is organized by the Information Office of the State Council of China, the China International Communications Group (CICG), the Chinese Embassy in Brazil and the Consulate-General of China in Rio de Janeiro, jointly held by Edições em Foreign Languages ​​(FLP), from the CICG Americas Center, Editora do Povo de Fujian, Contraponto Editora and the Lula Institute.
The Portuguese edition of the book Overcoming Poverty was translated and published jointly by Editora em LÃnguas Estrangeiras, Editora do Povo de Fujian and Contraponto Editora. The book had previously been released in English, French, Spanish, Cyrillic-Mongolian, Hausa, Swahili, Uzbek and Laotian, receiving wide acceptance and praise from both readers around the world and the international community.
Source: https://www.chinahoje.net/cerimonia-de-lancamento-da-edicao-em-portugues-do-livro-superar-a-pobreza-e-seminario-sobre-a-governanca-da-china-e-do-brasil-realizados-no-rio-de-janeiro/