KASIKORN Business-Technology Group (KBTG) recently organized KBTG Techtopia for the second consecutive year. KBTG Techtopia brought together over 70 speakers from around the world and over 2,500 attendees, making Thailand a leading platform for technology enthusiasts and the destination for cutting-edge technologies in Southeast Asia.

Mr. Ruangroj Poonpol, Chairman of KASIKORN Business-Technology Group (KBTG), said: “Following last year’s success, we opted to host KBTG Techtopia on a much larger scale, moving the venue from our headquarters to downtown Bangkok. On July 18, 2024, we transformed the entire 5th floor of Samyan Mitrtown into a space where attendees could immerse themselves in emerging technologies and meaningful conversations.”

“While our main focus remains on AI, we decided to dig deeper into trends, addressing more pressing issues being discussed on the global stage, such as risk management, national strategy, and AI ethics. Most importantly, we would like to demonstrate that AI will not reduce or replace the role of humans. On the contrary, its importance will only increase in the future, acting as a conductor. Let us always put AI on the table, but keep humans in the room.”

Under this year’s theme, “A Future Explosion,” not only have the topics been selected to showcase the new possibilities that near-future technologies can offer, with both positive and negative effects, but KBTG has also invited Thai policymakers and representatives of global institutions to share their action plans and draw visions for tomorrow together. One of the keynote speakers is Dr. Andrew Ng, Managing Partner of AI Fund, Founder of DeepLearning.AI, Co-Founder of Coursera, and named by Time magazine as one of the most influential people in AI.

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In his speech, Ng explained how AI is rapidly evolving into a general-purpose technology, comparing it to electricity. In his speech, Ng explained how AI is rapidly evolving into a general-purpose technology, comparing it to electricity. With new opportunities come risks, although he argued that the risks of AI lie in the application, not the technology itself. Ng’s appearance on the KBTG Techtopia stage came after the announcement of the strategic partnership between AI Fund and KXVC, the venture capital arm of KBTG, with the aim of creating new AI startups and strengthening the connections between their strong ecosystems.

During his visit, KBTG and Ng have formed two additional partnerships to boost AI education in Thailand:

● KBTG, DeepLearning.ai and the Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand (AIAT) to create the KBTG.AI Kampus program to develop Thai AI talent.

● KBTG, AI Fund and Equitable Education Fund (EEF) to explore AI technology solutions to help improve the education system for Thai youth.

What set this year’s conference apart was the variety of topics. Not limiting the topics to AI, KBTG Techtopia touched on other emerging technologies, from machine learning, blockchain, Web3, quantum computing, cybersecurity, ESG and many more, through the eyes of industry experts such as Microsoft, AWS, Google Cloud, IBM and Cisco. Additionally, we worked with The Secret Sauce, one of Thailand’s most popular podcast shows, to produce a half-day session featuring notable innovations and business cases from Thais, illuminating the real potential that Thailand has.

In total, the conference offered three conference stages, six workshops, as well as the innovative product exhibition area with cutting-edge technology selections and cutting-edge solutions from KBTG and its partners, including KASIKORN VISION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY or K-Tech, KBTG’s China office which flew in from Shenzhen to participate in this event.

“We would like to demonstrate that AI will not reduce or replace the role of humans”

In line with KBTG’s mission to promote AI literacy and support the growth of AI, all proceeds from ticket sales, after deducting expenses, are donated to the Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand (AIAT) to support the development of OpenThaiGPT, a project aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the Thai Language Model (Thai LLM) and improving its usability. KBTG has raised a total of 681,000 baht after selling out advance tickets. This amount will be increased by repeat ticket sales.

Mr. Ruangroj concluded: “KBTG Techtopia is a monumental step that KBTG has taken to drive and elevate technological advancement in Southeast Asia, as well as promote Thailand as a destination for cutting-edge technologies. Having brought in prominent figures like Ng to inspire thousands of people in Thailand, KBTG Techtopia has proven to be the go-to place for all technology enthusiasts. Next year is going to be even more amazing and we can’t wait to take everyone exploring once again.”

Source: https://reporteasia.com/tecnologia/2024/07/26/kbtg-techtopia-establece-tailandia-destino-tecnologias-vanguardia/

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