A 3D mapping show has attracted crowds of visitors to Jinan in Shandong province. The stunning light show turned the city’s landmark Chaoran Tower into a giant screen. A number of historical figures from Jinan, also known as the Spring City, were displayed there. Coinciding with the Qixi Festival, the traditional love story between Niulang and Zhinyu, also known as “The Shepherd Boy and the Weaver Girl”, was also presented.

Niulang and Zhinyu: A legend about eternal love

The love story between Niulang and Zhinyu is one of the most beloved and traditional legends in Chinese culture. It is deeply rooted in the tradition of the Qixi Festival, also known as the Double Seventh Festival, which is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, usually in August.

Niulang (the cowherd boy) is a humble and kind-hearted young man who works as a cowherd. He is described as a person of diligent character and simple country life. On the other hand, Zhinyu (the weaver) is a celestial goddess who resides in heaven and is famous for her skill in making beautiful fabrics. She is the seventh daughter of the King of Heaven.

The story tells how the protagonists meet for the first time when she descends to Earth with her sisters to enjoy a day in the mortal world. Disguised as an ordinary young girl, Zhinyu meets Niulang and they fall in love at first sight. The two spend time together, and their love quickly blossoms.

The goddess returns to heaven, but her love for the shepherd boy is so strong that she decides to return to Earth and marry him. Together, they live a happy life and have two children.

The King of Heaven discovers the affair and is enraged, as he believes Zhinyu should not mix with mortals. He decides to separate them and take his daughter back to heaven.

To prevent Niulang and Zhinyu from meeting, the King of Heaven creates the Milky Way (or the starry river) as a barrier between them. The young man in love, with the help of his two sons, turns into an ox to cross the river and reach heaven in search of his wife.

Moved by Niulang’s devotion, the King of Heaven allows the couple to meet once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. On this special night, the stars Altair and Vega, representing the protagonists of this tragic love story, meet in the Milky Way, and the magpies form a bridge for them to cross and be together.

Qixi Festival is considered the Chinese equivalent of Valentine’s Day and is an occasion to celebrate love and devotion. During this day, people engage in different traditional activities, such as making crafts related to history, stargazing, and participating in ceremonies to make good wishes for love and life.

Festival Qixi

Chaoran Tower: a prominent historical building in Jinan culture

Chaoran Tower is an important historical building in Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, China. This tower, also called the Tower of Dawn Light, draws attention due to its beauty, striking architecture and cultural significance in the region.

It has a rich history dating back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279), although the current structure has been rebuilt and renovated over the centuries. It was originally built as a watchtower and a place for astronomical observation. The tower has served a variety of purposes throughout its existence, including ceremonial and cultural functions.

The building is a great example of traditional Chinese architecture. It rises over several floors, with an elegant and highly detailed design that reflects the aesthetics of the dynasties that built and renovated it. The tower has a solid base supporting an elaborate wooden structure, characteristic of ancient Chinese tower architecture.

It features curved, soaring roofs characteristic of Song Dynasty architecture, with multiple levels that taper upward. It is decorated with intricate wood and stone carvings, depicting scenes and figures from traditional Chinese culture.

Chaoran Tower is not only an important historical symbol of Jinan, but also plays a role in the cultural identity of the city. Its imposing presence and association with historical and cultural events make it a focal point for local festivals.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/cultura/tradicion/2024/08/16/espectaculo-de-luces-en-jinan-celebra-el-festival-qixi-con-la-leyenda-de-niulang-y-zhinyu/

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