On July 17, 2024, the Embassy of Japan in Argentina, together with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship and Municipal authorities, participated in a formal delivery ceremony of diagnostic ultrasound equipment to the San Antonio de Padua Hospital in the town of Navarro in the province of Buenos Aires.

The award ceremony was attended by the Japanese Ambassador to Argentina, YAMAUCHI Hiroshi, as well as the Director General of International Cooperation, Minister Mateo ESTREME, the Municipal Mayor Facundo DIZ, the Secretary of Health Dr. José HUAMAN DE LA CRUZ, the Director of the Hospital Dr. Graciela HERNÁNDEZ and other municipal officials and local personalities.

The provision of this equipment is part of a total of approximately 4.6 million US dollars (500 million yen) provided to Argentina under the Economic and Social Development Program (Covid-19) including a CT scanner delivered in October 2022 to the Dr. Alberto Antranik Eurnekian General Hospital in Ezeiza, Province of Buenos Aires, a Tesla 3T magnetic resonator delivered in April 2023 to the Dr. Pedro Garrahan Pediatric Hospital in the City of Buenos Aires and a diagnostic ultrasound equipment delivered in September 2023 to the San Martín Hospital in the City of Paraná, Entre Ríos.

The “Economic and Social Development Program (Covid-19)” is an emergency economic assistance that Japan decided to implement in April 2020 to deal with the global coronavirus pandemic that began in March of that year. The scale of the cooperation carried out worldwide, mainly focused on the supply of medical equipment, was approximately 370 million dollars (38 billion yen) for a total of 57 countries.

Last year marked the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Argentina and Japan. Throughout these long years of friendship, also considered as strategic partners, Japan has been actively cooperating with Argentina to strengthen its health system. For the new Biology Research Center of the University of La Plata, medical research equipment and the corresponding technical assistance valued at approximately 1.9 million US dollars (200 million yen) were donated.

On the other hand, through the Non-Reimbursable Assistance Program for Community Projects for Human Security, which directly benefits citizens in their most basic needs, to date, cooperation has been provided in the development of a total of 75 projects (approximately 4.9 million USD), of which 37 of them donated medical equipment to safeguard the lives and health care of the local population.

The current support project aims to strengthen the country’s health system in the medium and long term by providing the main hospital in the City of Navarro with high-performance diagnostic ultrasound equipment through the incorporation of Japanese technology.

The medical equipment donated on this occasion will allow for the early detection of serious lung conditions caused by infectious diseases. It is Japan’s wish to continue strengthening the infrastructure of the public medical system in order to continue providing the best health service to the inhabitants of the local community and its surroundings for many more years.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/region/japon/2024/07/21/japon-dona-ecografo-hospital-navarro/

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