The development of the Sino-Brazilian relationship “will continue to be guided by respect for mutual values, friendship between peoples, cultural exchanges and the notion of a shared future”, said Brazilian vice-president Geraldo Alckmin, before leading a delegation to Beijing to participate in the seventh meeting of the Sino-Brazilian High-Level Commission for Concertation and Cooperation (COSBAN).

In response to a written interview with Xinhua, Alckmin said that the creation of COSBAN in 2004 was an important milestone in the consolidation of relations between Brazil and China. Over the last 20 years, COSBAN has played a fundamental role in strengthening bilateral ties, promoting dialogue and cooperation in various areas. “Holding the seventh COSBAN meeting in June 2024 is a reflection of both nations’ commitment to further deepen their strategic partnership,” he added.

Alckmin, also Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, highlighted that in these 20 years, trade between the two countries jumped from US$6 billion in 2003 to US$157 billion in 2023. “Economic growth China and the demand for agricultural, mineral and energy commodities in the country meant that Brazil now has China as its main destination for exports,” he said.

According to Alckmin, China is the fifth largest investor in Brazil, with a strong presence in the energy, information technology, agribusiness and industrial sectors. There is enormous potential to increase this flow of investments, especially in sustainability and new technologies.

Regarding the synergy of the two countries’ development strategies, Alckmin indicated that Brazil and China have in investment, trade, technology and innovation “an unlimited potential for cooperation” and “the two sides must continue to seek synergies between the main initiatives of each country ”.

Alckmin has unique personal experience in cultural exchange and cooperation between Brazil and China. “I specialized in traditional Chinese medicine, I studied for two years. I am a huge enthusiast of this ancient technique. Especially for pain and stress management, for me this is a special benefit of cultural exchange between our countries,” he said.

“We need to deepen cultural exchange and the appreciation of the cultural heritage of both nations. This is also essential for bilateral relations and strengthening the social dimension of sustainable development”, highlighted Alckmin. COSBAN has a Culture and Tourism Subcommittee, which develops important actions aimed at intensifying artistic exchanges and the flow of bilateral visitors.

He highlighted that Brazil and China, by sharing values ​​such as contributing multilateralism to sustainable development, peace and security, develop close cooperation in international forums.

“In the commercial sphere, Brazil and China coincide in their firm support for the multilateral trading system, the reform of the World Trade Organization and the full functioning of the Organization’s dispute resolution mechanism.” The two sides are also working together within the G20, with emphasis on the inclusion of themes related to sustainable development, the structuring of the BRICS and discussions on a comprehensive reform of the UN, he added.

“Brazil and China conduct their bilateral cooperation seeking mutual economic development and increasing the prosperity and well-being of their societies, without leaving anyone behind. Both are committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to having committed to climate neutrality within the scope of the Paris Agreement,” he said.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Brazil and China, Alckmin considered that the two countries have entered a new cycle of strategic cooperation, suited to contemporary challenges and echoed in joint action in international forums and organizations.

“This relationship was able to adapt to changes in the economy and the international scenario over the last 50 years, with mutual benefits and development, and I believe that this will be the keynote for the next half century, always with the essential support of concertation and cooperation spaces officials, such as COSBAN, which generate the institutional framework for increasing trade, investment and people flows,” he said.

“I believe that the evolution of bilateral relations will continue to be guided by respect for mutual values, friendship between peoples, cultural exchanges and the notion of a shared future”, highlighted the vice-president.

Source: Xinhua


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