According to Onchain data, Vitalik Butterin’s plan presented in response to recent concerns about the Ethereum Foundation began to operate.
The Ethereum Foundation’s multisig wallet had a 50,000 ETH entrance. When this article is written, this amount corresponds to $ 132 million. Buteter said in a statement that these funds would be spent for participation in the defi sector.
There are long -term concerns about the transparency of the Ethereum Foundation, especially the treasury management.
Some of the suggestions made by Vitalic Botterine included the introduction of the former researcher Danny Ryan, the former researcher of the Ethereum Foundation, who led the proof-of-stake upgrade of the block chain instead of the manager Aya Miyaguchi. In addition, the foundation was also called to invest or distribute some of the assets of approximately $ 1 billion in ETH. The Foundation has been criticized for a long time because it has been a “sales pressure” on ETH by replacing its assets with stablecoins to pay salaries.
*It is not an investment advice.
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Source: https://www.bitcoinsistemi.com/sicak-gelisme-vitalik-buterinin-acikladigi-ethereum-gelismesi-geldi-iste-detaylar/