Authorities in Seoul, South Korea, have issued a worrying warning after discovering that several products sold by the popular Chinese platforms Shein, AliExpress and Temu contain levels of toxic substances far above what is allowed by safety regulations. This discovery has caused alarm among consumers, especially due to the enormous popularity that these stores have achieved globally.

The study, carried out by South Korean authorities, focused on 114 products belonging to these low-cost clothing chains, among which shoes, caps and nail polishes were found to contain extremely dangerous levels of chemical compounds. The report reveals that several of these products do not comply with safety standards, posing a significant risk to the health of users.

Toxic substances found

Among the products analysed, alarmingly high levels of different chemical substances were found. In Shein shoes, a compound of phthalic acid, used to make plastics more flexible, was detected in a concentration 229 times higher than the legal limit. This type of compound, known for its harmful effects, can be especially dangerous when in prolonged contact with the skin.

Formaldehyde, a chemical used in the manufacture of paints, fabrics and pesticides, was found in some caps, also from Shein. This compound, which was found at twice the permitted level, is known to cause skin irritation and, in more serious cases, has been linked to the development of cancer.

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Finally, high concentrations of methanol and dioxane were found in nail polish. Methanol, in high concentrations, can cause symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, while dioxane is a possible human carcinogen that can damage vital organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Response from the companies involved

In response to these findings, Shein has issued a statement in which it assures that its products are subject to constant controls and tests to comply with quality and safety standards. However, the company has decided to remove the products mentioned in the report from its platform as a precautionary measure and has announced an internal investigation to determine whether there have been failures in quality controls.

The global popularity of platforms such as Shein, AliExpress and Temu, which offer fashion and accessories at very affordable prices, has led to increasing scrutiny of their business practices and safety standards. In the European Union, Shein has already been included in a list of digital companies that must comply with stricter regulations, especially when it comes to protecting consumers from unsafe products.

The report reveals that several of these products do not comply with safety standards, posing a significant risk to the health of users.

This incident underscores the importance of maintaining rigorous safety standards for products that are accessible to millions of consumers around the world. Users are advised to be alert to safety reports and consider these factors when making online purchases. While authorities continue their inspections, it is vital that the platforms involved take steps to ensure the safety of their products and restore customer trust.


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