This Ground Beef and Potato is a great option to serve for your lunch and dinner. Check out how easy and complete it is to do!

Ground Beef with Potato

Ground Beef with Potato

Revenue by Olympic City

Preparation time



Cooking time



Check out the step-by-step preparation method for making your Ground Beef with Potatoes, following the instructions.


  • 500g ground meat (can be beef, pork or chicken)

  • 4 medium potatoes

  • 1 medium onion, chopped

  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped

  • 2 medium tomatoes, chopped

  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Optional seasonings: cumin, paprika, oregano, etc.

  • Chopped parsley or coriander to finish (optional)

Preparation mode

  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Reserve.
  • In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium heat.
  • Add the chopped onion and chopped garlic to the skillet. Saute until they are soft and lightly golden.
  • Add the ground beef to the skillet. Season with salt, pepper and any other desired seasonings. Cook until the meat is completely cooked, stirring occasionally to break up any larger pieces.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes to the pan and cook for a few more minutes, until they start to soften.
  • Add the potato cubes to the pan and mix well with the meat and seasonings.
  • Cover the skillet and cook for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are soft and cooked through.
  • If necessary, adjust the seasoning by adding more salt and pepper according to taste.
  • Finish with chopped parsley or cilantro, if desired.
  • Serve hot accompanied by white rice, salad or cooked vegetables.


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