The vice-governor of São Paulo, Felício Ramuth, and members of the Secretariat for International Business (SENI) received the president and vice-president of the Bank of China, Zhang Guanghua and Hsia Hua Sheng, respectively, to present the investment portfolio of the status and better understanding of the bank’s lines of action in the country.
“The state of São Paulo has an important investment portfolio to be carried out this year, such as the Intercidades Train, auctions and other PPPs. Hosting the Bank of China is important to open new lines of opportunities and establish stronger relationships in our international business,” said Ramuth.
With more than US$4.4 trillion in global assets, the Bank has just strengthened its position by incorporating the China Construction Bank (CCB). “This meeting with representatives of the Bank of China is part of a series of negotiations that aim to enhance and facilitate the mobilization of resources for the programs of the Government of São Paulo, a central objective of the Secretariat for International Business, which works towards greater international insertion of the state”, explained secretary Lucas Ferraz.
The state government intends to offer Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, concessions and privatizations in auctions that will intensify from this year onwards. Among them are the Intercidades Eixo Norte Train, which will connect the city of São Paulo to Campinas, and road and railway infrastructure concessions and partnerships, in addition to the privatizations of Sabesp and the Metropolitan Water and Energy Company (Emae).
Source: https://www.chinahoje.net/governo-de-sp-conversa-sobre-mobilizacao-de-recursos-com-banco-da-china/