A workshop on telecommunications resilience and cybersecurity was held in Taipei in which Taiwan, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States participated. This event has been organized as part of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF), demonstrating the common commitment of these nations to global digital security.

The workshop was jointly organized by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Digital Affairs of Taiwan, as well as the Taiwan representative offices of the six like-minded partners. It had the participation of more than 200 officials and experts from 26 countries. Discussions focused on policies and measures to strengthen telecommunications infrastructure and improve information security.

The opening speech was given by the Taiwanese Minister of Digital Affairs, Huang Yen-nun, and the representatives of the organizing countries in Taiwan.

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Brendan Dowling, ambassador for cyber affairs and critical technologies at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, gave a speech on strategies to improve digital resilience through public-private and regional collaboration, and other domestic and foreign speakers discussed regulations and relevant technologies.

According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), participants shared their experience in areas such as cyber risk management in supply chains and talent cultivation during the event. They also visited ground-based satellite facilities and microwave stations to better understand local telecommunications technology, the ministry said.

Taiwan will continue to work with like-minded partners and leverage its strengths through the GCTF to create a progressive, prosperous and secure global digital environment, MOFA added.

Since its launch in 2015 by Taiwan and the United States, the GCTF has become a critical platform to facilitate discussion of solutions to global problems. Japan and Australia later joined the initiative, and since 2021 affiliated events have been held outside the founding countries.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/tecnologia/2024/06/01/taller-internacional-resiliencia-ciberseguridad-telecomunicaciones-siete-naciones-taiwan/

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