This is one of the latest posts circulating on social media trying to discredit Covid-19 vaccines. But this time, the scenario is perhaps more refined than previous ones. The latest theory against mRNA technology claims that both pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna are aligned with a “global elite” that aims to track the population through surveillance systems. bluetooth implemented in the bodies of those vaccinated.

According to a video that has already been shared dozens of times, the Japanese government has declared a state of emergency after nanobots were detected in the bodies of almost 100 million people. The same video also says that the Japanese government has already publicly apologized to the country’s population for the alleged harmful effects of coronavirus vaccines — even admitting to “crimes against humanity”.

This is a recording of more than eight minutes that is circulating on the internet, with several simultaneous alerts. Initially, it refers to a Japanese study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research, allegedly proving that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain worm-like particles, invisible to the naked eye, which, when swimming, twist and transform into complex structures that give rise to giant clots and other types of bodies that grow in people’s arteries, causing serious illness and even death.


In the shared video, several participants appear are not identified. They all corroborate the idea that there are “small monsters inside the bodies of people who have taken the vaccines” using the mRNA technique: “Proof of this are the experiments carried out over several weeks in which vaccine samples were left in vials allowing the observation of small discs, chains, spirals”, they claim, adding that when they are close to cell phones or computers they undergo a mutation allowing a location system to be activated inside the human body.

The aforementioned nanorobots “are connected to a central unit,” says one of the critics speaking in the video, ensuring that there are people currently functioning as cyborgs, created by the so-called “elite” who do not take the vaccine but want to control the rest of humanity, in an allusion to a new world order.

One thing is certain in the various records: anyone who has received a vaccine from one of these two pharmaceutical companies can be located using nano devices that emit Bluetooth signals. You can even see a group of people in a cemetery, holding an electronic device in their hands, supposedly to show that four detectable devices belong to people who have already been vaccinated but have since died.

None of the information in the shared video is reliable or confirmed by competent authorities. The study mentioned, published by the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research, was developed by a South Korean gynecologist and a Japanese language teacher, and has not been verified or corroborated by any immunology specialist. Furthermore, the journal in question was created in 2020 and published several articles in an attempt to discredit Covid-19 vaccines, denying their effects. In fact, the journal has never managed to achieve any credibility within the scientific community.

Observador also consulted the technical specifications of the solutions, both from Pfizer and Moderna, and none of them demonstrate any properties that would make the scenario alleged in the shared videos possible. There are, in fact, “fat nanoparticles” that serve to transfer RNA to cells. Additionally, Observador also consulted the data available on vaccines administered worldwide up to August 18, 2024. More than 13.5 billion doses have been applied, according to Our World in Data, which means that 70.7% of the world’s population has received at least the first dose. And yet there is no scientific study that suggests any side effects related to the claims made in the video shared on social media.

As for the alleged “state of emergency” declared by Japan following the “nanobots found” in almost 100 million people, consulting the official website of the Japanese Government and even the country’s Ministry of Health, it is possible to see that there is no warning available to the population under the pretext of the effects of vaccines against Covid-19, on the contrary, the Japanese Executive encourages citizens to get vaccinated.

The Japanese embassy in Portugal, when questioned by Observador, also confirmed “unequivocally that there was no state of emergency” declared in Japan following alleged side effects of Covid-19 vaccines, much less was any connection with nanorobots detected: “This is obviously a lie. This theory is completely false and completely baseless,” the embassy assured.


It is not true that mRNA vaccines are administered with the aim of generating nanorobots in the bodies of human beings, so that they can be located via Bluetooth. It is also false that the Japanese government has declared a state of emergency after the alleged discovery of devices in the bodies of millions of people. The Japanese embassy in Portugal told Observador that this “theory is completely false and without any basis”. The video shared on social media that suggests this type of information was made by unidentified people and has no scientific basis.

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FALSE: The content’s main claims are factually inaccurate. This usually corresponds to “false” or “mostly false” ratings on fact-checking sites.

Note: this content was selected by Observador as part of a fact-checking partnership with Facebook.

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