A delegation composed of 15 diplomats and representatives of 10 countriesincluding Cape Verde, Zambia and Timor-Lestevisited Yulinna Autonomous Region of the Zhuang Ethnicity of Guangxiexploring the economic and cultural potential of the city in the context of the Belt and route initiative.
Visitors got to know the Yulin Spices Marketnational and international reference, and discussed opportunities for gastronomic and commercial exchange. The advisor of the embassy of Timor-Leste in China, Aires Guterreshe stressed that local spices can boost cooking innovation and strengthen cooperation between countries.
The delegation also visited the Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Groupcompany specializing in high efficiency engines. The Ambassador of Cape Verde in China, Arlindo do Rosárioexpressed interest in Yuchai’s energy solutions, emphasizing the importance of technological modernization for the Cape Verdean fishing sector.
In addition to economic meetings, diplomats participated in the celebrations of the Lantern Festival and explored the traditional villages from the city. Rosario reinforced the commitment to strengthen ties between Cape Verde and Chinaespecially in the face of 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations Among the countries in 2026, and invited Chinese companies to invest in tourism, health and blue economy.
Source: https://www.chinahoje.net/diplomatas-de-10-paises-visitam-yulin-e-exploram-oportunidades-de-cooperacao/