The “Launching and Signing Ceremony of International Cooperative Publication of Chinese Theme Books” organized by the China International Communications Group (CICG) was held in Beijing on Wednesday (19) during the 30th Beijing International Book Fair.
Evandro Carvalho, specialist at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and president of Go East Brasil.
During the signing phase of the event, six domestic and foreign publishing organizations, including Brazil’s Go East Brasil, joined the “China-Latin America and Caribbean Cultural Publishing Center Collaboration Mechanism” as a member unit.
There is a very large deficit of knowledge about China in Latin America and largely due to the accessibility of books that are produced here in China by the Chinese due to linguistic issues, said Evandro Carvalho, specialist at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and president of Go East Brasil, in an exclusive interview with Diário do Povo Online.
Evandro explained that this cooperation mechanism generates rapprochement and allows access to each other’s knowledge, as it enables not only translations of Chinese books into Portuguese and Spanish, but also books from Brazil and other Latin American countries into Chinese.
China is Brazil’s largest trading partner and its partnership is increasingly relevant, with the possibility of establishing partnerships in other sectors, such as services, technology, education and research, which increases the relevance of people approaching this set of knowledge, observed Evandro.
The expert said he felt extremely happy and desperate due to the amount of books produced in China. “A joy because I am happy to see so many books, this production, this type of environment where knowledge reigns, at the same time a despair because my linguistic competence does not allow me to read at the speed I would like, he explained.
During the 30th Beijing International Book Fair, 2 books were launched, the Chinese version of “Raízes do Brasil”, by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, and the bilingual version (Chinese and Portuguese) of “Antologia Da Poesia Clássica Chinesa: Dynasty Tang” .
Chinese version of “Raízes do Brasil” and the bilingual version (Chinese and Portuguese) of “Anthology of Chinese Classical Poetry: Tang Dynasty”
“Roots of Brazil” is one of the fundamental works of modern Brazilian history and sociology. The original work was published in 1936 and was written by Sergio Buarque de Hollanda. This book focuses on history and explores the factors underlying Brazil’s destiny in order to analyze the present and find the future of Brazil’s democratization and modernization process.
“Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry: Tang Dynasty” is an anthology of poetry from the Tang Dynasty, translated by Ricardo Prim Portugal and Tan Xiao. The book contains a total of 208 excellent poems by 33 poets, including Li Bai, Du Fu, Xue Tao and Yu Xuanji, which demonstrate the magnificence and graceful charm of Tang poetry.
“I know that there are so many other important authors, as much as Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, who have made interpretations of Brazil, including authors who sometimes even have different views”, observed Evandro, defending the importance of continuing this effort for the publication of Brazilian works that allow the Chinese to acquire a deeper knowledge of Brazil.
Likewise, the expert argues that it is necessary to “allow yourself to discover the knowledge that is produced in China by the Chinese”.
Source: Diário do Povo Online
Source: https://www.chinahoje.net/intercambios-culturais-aproximam-os-povos-da-china-e-da-america-latina-diz-especialista-brasileiro/