A China’s manned space agency (CMSA) announced on Wednesday the names of the space costume and the lunar vehicle that will be used in the moon exploration. The costume received the name Wangyuwhich means “Look at the cosmos”while the vehicle was baptized Tansuowhich means “Explore the unknown”.
China plans to send astronauts to the moon before 2030using two carriers rockets to bring a manned spaceship and a lunar landing module to the lunar orbit. After landing, the astronauts will use the rover Tansuo to perform scientific explorations and investigations on the lunar surface.
The names were chosen between 9 thousand suggestions sent by the public and reflect China’s commitment to peaceful exploration of space and the search for scientific advances. Currently, the development work of both equipment follows according to the schedule, said CMSA.
Source: https://www.chinahoje.net/china-revela-nomes-do-traje-e-do-veiculo-lunar-para-futuras-missoes-tripuladas/