China and Indonesia held the first Senior Officials’ Meeting of the China-Indonesia Joint Ministerial Dialogue on Foreign Affairs and Defense (“2+2”) in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The countries agreed to peacefully resolve differences to maintain regional stability and promote regional cooperation and development.

The dialogue, launched in 2023, is the first ministerial-level “2+2” mechanism China has established with another nation. During the meeting, both sides agreed that the establishment of the mechanism reflects the strategic and high-level nature of China-Indonesia relations.

Both sides expressed their appreciation for the development of China-Indonesia relations, and their willingness to strengthen communication and collaboration, enhance political and security cooperation, and advance the China-Indonesia community of shared destiny.

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China provided information on the outcomes of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressing China’s commitment to deepening reforms, promoting high-quality development and advancing China’s modernization. These efforts are expected to create new opportunities for China-Indonesia cooperation and regional development, the Chinese side said.

China also reiterated its positions on issues affecting its core interests and major concerns, such as the Taiwan region and the South China Sea. Indonesia reaffirmed its adherence to the one-China principle and called for peaceful resolution of differences to maintain regional stability.

The dialogue, launched in 2023, is the first “2+2” mechanism at the ministerial level that China has established with another nation.

Both sides stressed the importance of upholding the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the Bandung Spirit, jointly adhering to true multilateralism, maintaining an open and inclusive regional architecture, and leading reforms and the construction of global governance, thus contributing to regional and global peace, stability, cooperation and development. The meeting also discussed international and regional issues of mutual concern, such as the Palestinian situation.

China said it advocates a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept and is willing to work with Indonesia to strengthen dialogue, communication and coordination on the implementation of the three major global initiatives, jointly upholding international fairness and justice.


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