Bilateral relations between China and Argentina have shown good growth momentum, and the Asian country is ready to work with Argentina to keep relations on a stable course, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said here. Tuesday.

Spokeswoman Mao Ning made the remarks at a regular press conference when responding to a reporter’s question about the RIA Novosti report that Diana Mondino, senior advisor to Argentina’s president-elect Javier Milei, said cooperation with the Chinese government will be interrupted when asked whether she would support and encourage trade with China, during an interview on November 20.

“Based on what I read, the description of his statement is slightly different from the interview published on the RIA Novosti website,” Mao said. He highlighted that Mondino said in the interview that some in the world misinterpreted President-elect Milei’s future foreign policy, that no country could give up diplomatic relations and still be able to engage in trade and economic cooperation and that it would be a major policy mistake. foreign policy for Argentina to cut ties with large countries, such as China or Brazil.

Mao said Mondino also mentioned in the interview that China is Argentina’s important trading partner, and the newly elected Argentine government values ​​its relations, especially the commercial ties between the two countries.

Noting that China is Argentina’s second-largest trading partner and the largest export market for agricultural products, Mao said bilateral relations between the two countries have shown good growth momentum.

“The economic complementarity between our two countries means there is great potential for cooperation, and China stands ready to work with Argentina to keep relations on a stable course,” Mao said.


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