Suga, a member of global K-pop phenomenon BTS, has issued a public apology following the incident that has shocked his fans and community. In a handwritten letter posted on the fan community platform Weverse, the 31-year-old rapper apologized for his inappropriate behavior after being questioned by police for drunk driving on an electric motorcycle.
“I deeply apologize for disappointing and hurting my fans and everyone who loves me with my misconduct. I forgot my responsibility to reciprocate the love I received with appropriate behaviors and made a huge mistake,” the young artist wrote in his letter.
The apology comes as a result of his actions, after police found him trying to get up from his electric motorcycle after a fall in the Yongsan district of Seoul on August 6. His blood alcohol concentration was measured at 0.227 percent. This is very serious because it is well above the legal limit, which is 0.08 percent.
After investigating the incident, the Yongsan Police Station eventually charged the South Korean singer with violating the Traffic Law.
Before these statements became public knowledge, the rapper had to attend the police station for an interrogation that lasted approximately three hours. There, the police placed particular emphasis on the accusations and the damage caused.
In his letter, Suga also regretted an initial confusion in mistakenly referring to the motorcycle as an electric scooter. He also acknowledged that his first apology, published on August 7, had not been sufficiently considered.
The incident has not only had a personal impact on the young rapper, but has ended up affecting the image of the entire BTS group. The singer expressed his regret for the damage caused to the reputation of the group and his coworkers. He apologized for the stress his behavior has caused. He also stated that he is reflecting deeply on his mistake and that he is willing to accept all criticism and sanctions that are imposed.
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In response to this development, South Korea’s Military Manpower Administration (MMA) has taken some notable measures. Among these, it has announced the reinforcement of its law enforcement training for social service agents.
The MMA is the organization in charge of supervising those who perform alternative military service in the country. Regarding this situation, it indicated that educational programs will be intensified in order to ensure compliance with the laws during service. Suga, who began his service in September last year, will be punished according to the Traffic Law.
“The Military Personnel Administration and service facilities will work to strengthen education and ensure that social service officers abide by the laws during their service period,” the Military Personnel Administration said in a statement. The organization pledged to closely supervise officers and manage their conduct through service guidance officers.
Suga’s accident has also triggered a series of investigations and adjustments in the way DUI cases are handled. Police are planning to question the artist in the coming days to clarify all the details of the incident. The South Korean National Police Agency official mentioned in a press conference that they are in the process of setting a date for Suga’s questioning.
This episode has highlighted the pressure and responsibility that comes with fame and military service in South Korea. As Suga faces the repercussions of his conduct, the fan community and the general public are watching closely as this situation unfolds, hoping that the artist can make amends for his mistake and continue his career with renewed responsibility.
Source: https://reporteasia.com/kpop/2024/08/26/suga-bts-disculpa-publicamente-conducir-estado-ebriedad/