In response to an invitation from the Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Wang Yi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Celinda Sosa, participated in a meeting aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between both nations. The dialogue, which addressed crucial issues in areas such as tourism, technology and energy, highlighted the commitment of both sides to mutual advancement.

During the meeting, Wang Yi praised the solid friendship between Bolivia and China, highlighting the constant support and understanding that has characterized diplomatic relations. The progress achieved under the leadership of Presidents Luis Arce Catacora and Xi Jinping was highlighted, which has contributed to the development and industrialization of both countries.

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The visit of the Bolivian Foreign Minister marks the beginning of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between both nations. The main objective is to strengthen the strategic partnership at a higher level, implementing the agreements reached by the leaders.

In this context, emphasis was placed on the importance of enriching mutual political trust and improving exchanges between governments and legislative bodies. The need to explore new fields of cooperation, such as the digital economy and agriculture, was highlighted.

During the visit, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Plurinational Diplomatic Academy of Bolivia and the University of Foreign Affairs of China. This historic agreement reflects the commitment of both nations to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the academic and cultural fields, fostering greater mutual understanding in a changing and challenging world.


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