The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union (EU) identified important opportunities for sharing research infrastructures among ASEAN Member States and with the EU at the Regional Research Infrastructure Strategy Drafting Workshop ( RRI) of ASEAN, held on May 28 and 29.

A regional approach to research infrastructures allows researchers to come together, share knowledge and experience and jointly develop solutions that address some of the most important global challenges, such as climate change, energy security and pandemics.

“I am very pleased to learn of the significant progress made towards an ASEAN RRI strategy with the support of the European Union. RRIs play a key role in advancing knowledge and technology across ASEAN and around the world. By sharing resources and knowledge, we can join forces to address the most pressing global challenges,” said Dr Junpen Meka-apiruk, Inspector General of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI) of Thailand.

“The cultivation of robust research infrastructures is already making great strides around the world. The European Union is excited about the promising collaboration ahead, recognizing that sharing infrastructure, knowledge and research resources is one of the best ways to advance the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership and its impact,” said Sujiro Seam, Ambassador of the EU before ASEAN.

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“As we embark on this journey together, particularly the upcoming ASEAN Action Plan on Science, Technology and Innovation, it is a commitment to build bridges that transcend geographical boundaries, connecting the intellectual resources and RRI of our regions, for greater benefit of humanity,” said Dr. Vanny Narita, Senior Officer of the Science and Technology Division of the ASEAN Secretariat.

During the workshop, experts, policy makers and researchers discussed the recommendations contained in the EU-supported ASEAN Research Infrastructure Landscape Study as a basis for the development of a Regional Research Infrastructure Strategy. ASEAN Research.

The Landscape Study underlines the importance of a shared RRI strategy that can effectively coordinate the many complementary features of research infrastructures in ASEAN and address existing shared challenges for the benefit of the regional Science, Technology and Innovation community.

RRIs play a key role in advancing knowledge and technology across ASEAN and around the world

Key points of discussion among workshop participants included the development of electronic catalogs showing existing national research infrastructures that can be shared regionally, the importance of talent mobility and training, as well as the corresponding financial and operational models .

The implementation of the ASEAN RRI Strategy, currently under development, is expected to strengthen ASEAN’s research capabilities, promote exchanges and knowledge transfer within the region and beyond, including with the EU , and foster economic growth, allowing the region to better address evolving regional needs.

The workshop concluded with agreement on priority issues for the first draft of the ASEAN RRI Strategy, laying a solid foundation for future scientific cooperation within ASEAN and with the EU and other international partners. The event was organized by Thailand’s MHESI and the ASEAN RRI Working Group, with the support of the EU through the EU-ASEAN Enhanced Regional Dialogue Instrument (E-READI).


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