After the official ceremony, Ambassador Ráez held an audience with President Xuan, where she conveyed President Dina Boluarte’s greetings. At the meeting she reiterated to the Vietnamese president the invitation of the head of state to participate in the APEC Leaders Summit to be held in Lima in November of this year and the possible realization of an official visit to Peru on that occasion.

Likewise, the Peruvian ambassador highlighted the good level of Vietnam’s investments in Peru through Bitel and PetroVietnam and highlighted the increase in two-way trade since the entry into force of the CPTPP for the two countries, with great potential still existing to continue increasing exchanges.

For her part, President Xuan highlighted the good state of the bilateral relationship as this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Peru and Vietnam. She emphasized the importance of Vietnamese investments and trade exchange on the bilateral agenda. Furthermore, when congratulating Peru on the organization of APEC 2024, President Xuan expressed her government’s interest in making an official visit this year.

At the meeting, both authorities agreed to highlight the progress of bilateral relations between Peru and Vietnam and pointed out that various activities are being managed in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.


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