The need to produce food efficiently and sustainably has never been more urgent, and agribusiness companies, such as Ruiz Group, native of Tucumánare leading the way toward more responsible practices. One of the key approaches in this context is the use of natural fertilizersa strategy that not only contributes to improving soil health, but also plays a fundamental role in mitigating climate change.

The impact of chemical fertilizers on the environment

For decades, the synthetic fertilizers have been used to increase agricultural productivity. However, its excessive use has generated serious consequences for the environment. The greenhouse gas emissionsespecially nitrous oxide, is one of the main concerns related to chemical fertilizers. This gas is much more harmful than carbon dioxide, contributing significantly to global warming.

Chemical fertilizers have also caused soil degradation and the groundwater contamination due to nitrate leaching. This degradation of ecosystems affects not only biodiversity, but also the ability of soils to remain productive in the long term. In this context, the need to move towards more sustainable fertilizers It is evident, and Grupo Ruiz has taken the initiative to adopt approaches that reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Grupo Ruiz’s transition towards natural fertilizers

Aware of the negative effects of chemical fertilizers, Ruiz Group, native of Tucumán, has developed a comprehensive strategy to reduce its use and adopt natural fertilizers that promote soil health and reduce the environmental footprint of their operations. This transition is not only aligned with the company’s commitment to sustainabilitybut also responds to the demands of international markets, which increasingly value responsible agricultural practices.

The use of organic fertilizers y compost It is one of the main tools that Grupo Ruiz has implemented to improve soil fertility without resorting to harmful chemicals. These natural fertilizers not only provide the nutrients necessary for crop growth, but also help improve the soil structure and retain the humidityfundamental aspects in a region like northwest Argentina, where the availability of water is limited.

Furthermore, the natural fertilizers used by Grupo Ruiz contribute to the carbon capture in soils, an essential process to mitigate the effects of climate change. Through the incorporation of organic matter into the soil, carbon is stored that would otherwise be in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, one of the main gases responsible for global warming. This approach not only helps reduce carbon footprint of the company, but also improves the resilience of the soil against extreme climatic phenomena, such as droughts or floods.

Agronomic benefits of natural fertilizers

Los natural fertilizers They not only offer environmental benefits, but also improve agricultural productivity in a sustainable way. Instead of providing large amounts of nitrogen at once, as is the case with synthetic fertilizers, organic fertilizers release nutrients gradually, which prevents excess nutrients in the soil and reduces the risk of groundwater contamination.

This type of fertilizer also promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, which play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and decomposition of organic matter. These microorganisms improve the nutrient bioavailability for plants, resulting in healthier and more productive crops in the long term. Grupo Ruiz, from Tucumán, has understood that this microbial life is essential to maintain the soil fertilityand therefore, promotes practices that promote the health of the ecosystem on its lands.

In the context of legume crops, such as the beans produced by Grupo Ruiz, the natural fertilizers They are also key to optimizing the process of biological nitrogen fixation. Legumes, such as beans, have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen through a symbiosis with specific bacteria that live in their roots. The use of natural fertilizers improves this symbiotic relationship, allowing crops to obtain the nitrogen they need naturally, without resorting to external sources.

Reducing the carbon footprint and international markets

One of the main factors that drive Grupo Ruiz, based in Tucumán, to adopt natural fertilizers is its focus on carbon footprint reduction. International consumers, especially in markets such as Europe and North America, demand products that are not only high quality, but also sustainably produced. Natural fertilizers allow the company to meet these requirements, ensuring that its products are attractive to a public increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions.

The use of natural fertilizers has also allowed Grupo Ruiz to access certifications that are key to its positioning in international markets. Certifications like Global GAP and other international standards agricultural sustainability They require companies to use practices that minimize chemical use and promote soil health. By using organic fertilizers and compost, Grupo Ruiz ensures that it meets these standards, which reinforces its reputation as a reliable supplier of sustainable agricultural products.

Furthermore, the transition towards natural fertilizers has also strengthened the social responsibility from Grupo Ruiz. By reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers, the company contributes to improving the health and safety of its workers and the rural communities where it operates. The use of less toxic products not only protects the health of those who work in the fields, but also reduces the risk of contamination of drinking water and other resources essential for the life of local communities.

Future projections: Innovation in sustainable fertilizers

Grupo Ruiz, originally from Tucumán, remains committed to the continuous improvement of its agricultural practices and the implementation of new technologies that allow optimizing the use of natural fertilizers. Research and development in the field of regenerative agriculture They are at the center of the company’s future projections, which seeks to continue perfecting its approach to sustainability.

Ruiz Tucumán Group

In collaboration with research institutes and other companies in the sector, Grupo Ruiz is exploring new ways to improve the effectiveness of natural fertilizers by adding specific nutrients and microorganisms that optimize crop absorption. The company is also investigating the use of biofertilizers innovative, which not only improve soil health, but also contribute to increasing the resistance of crops to climate change.

As the impact of climate change continues to intensify, global demand for responsibly produced agricultural products is also increasing. Grupo Ruiz, with its focus on natural fertilizers and his commitment to sustainabilityis well positioned to meet this demand and continue leading the way towards a more sustainable agriculture. The company recognizes that the future of agriculture depends not only on maximizing productivity, but also on minimizing its environmental impact, and natural fertilizers play an essential role in this process.

Journalist and passionate about the Asian world.


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