Grupo Ruiz, one of the most important players in the agro-industrial sector in the Argentine Northwest, has managed to stand out not only for its focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, but also for the use of advanced technology and state-of-the-art machinery in its daily operations.

The use of modern machinery has not only allowed Grupo Ruiz to increase its productivity, but has also been key to optimizing resources and reducing environmental impact, essential factors in the context of climate change and the demands of the global market.

In this article, we will explore the most notable machinery that Grupo Ruiz uses in its various productive activities, how these technologies have contributed to its success, and how they are aligned with its commitments to sustainability and efficiency.

Machinery for precision agriculture: optimization and sustainability

One of the pillars of Grupo Ruiz’s success is the implementation of the precision agriculturea practice that allows for efficient management of agricultural resources through the use of advanced technologies, such as specialized machinery, sensors and data management systems. Among the main machines used in this approach are: automated tractors and the satellite monitoring systemswhich allow soil mapping and precise application of inputs according to the needs of each plot.

Grupo Ruiz’s automated tractors are equipped with geolocation systems that allow them to work with centimetric precision, optimizing sowing, fertilization and harvesting. This not only improves crop yields, but also reduces the waste of resources such as water, fertilizers and pesticides, resulting in a lower environmental impact. In addition, these tractors are integrated into satellite monitoringwhich allow monitoring of crop growth and early detection of potential problems, such as nutritional deficiencies or pests.

Likewise, the use of agricultural drones in crop monitoring is one of the key innovations within Grupo Ruiz’s strategy. These drones are equipped with multispectral cameras that capture images of the terrain in real time, facilitating the identification of areas with water stress problems, nutrient deficiencies or the presence of pests. This allows the company to make informed decisions and apply inputs only where they are really needed, reducing the use of chemicals and improving operational efficiency.

High-tech irrigation equipment: efficient use of water

In a region like the Argentine Northwest, where climatic variations and prolonged droughts are increasingly frequent, efficient water management is essential. In this sense, Grupo Ruiz has implemented state-of-the-art, technologically advanced irrigation systems. Such as Automated drip and sprinkler irrigation systemswhich allow water to be supplied directly to the roots of plants in a controlled and precise manner.

These irrigation systems are connected to soil moisture sensors, allowing the amount of water applied to be adjusted according to the actual needs of the crop. This prevents water waste and improves crop yields, a key strategy to ensure the sustainability of agricultural production in a context of climate change.

On the other hand, the company has also integrated into its operations machinery for rainwater harvestingin order to use this resource to complement irrigation systems and reduce their dependence on underground water sources. This initiative is especially important in the arid areas of Salta and Tucumán, where access to fresh water can be limited at certain times of the year.

Machinery for citrus production: harvesting and processing

The production of citrus fruits, particularly lemons, is one of the main activities of Grupo Ruiz, and for this purpose it has a set of specialized machinery that allows it to optimize both the harvest and the processing of the fruit. At the harvest stage, the company uses automatic harvesting machineswhich allow lemons to be harvested quickly and efficiently, reducing labor costs and ensuring that the fruit is handled carefully to avoid damage.

Once harvested, the lemons are transported to Grupo Ruiz’s processing plants, where the company uses state-of-the-art machinery to wash, sort and pack the fruit. Automatic sorters equipped with artificial vision systems, they allow the lemons to be separated according to their size, colour and quality, ensuring that only the best products reach the market. In addition, the company has incorporated automatic presses y essential oil extractorswhich allow to make the most of citrus by-products, such as juices and oils, adding value to production.

Machinery for the production of legumes: efficiency in the management of large surfaces

Grupo Ruiz is also dedicated to the production of legumes, such as beans and chickpeas throughout the Argentine Northwest, and to do so it uses machinery specially designed for the efficient management of large areas of cultivation. At the sowing stage, the precision seeders They are essential, as they allow seeds to be planted with millimetric precision, ensuring uniform distribution and avoiding the waste of inputs.

During the harvest, the company uses automatic harvesters which are equipped with sensors to determine the degree of maturity of the plants, allowing them to harvest the legumes at the optimal time. These harvesters are designed to work at high speed without damaging the crops, which increases efficiency and reduces operating costs. In addition, Grupo Ruiz has incorporated into its operations legume sorting machines that use laser technology to separate seeds according to their size and quality, thus improving the final product that reaches international markets.

Reducing the carbon footprint through sustainable machinery

Grupo Ruiz’s commitment to sustainability is not limited to production efficiency; the company has also implemented specific measures to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations through the use of sustainable machinery. A prominent example is the investment in tractors and electric vehicleswhich have begun replacing fossil fuel-powered equipment on some of their plantations and farming operations.

Ruiz Group Northwest Argentina

In addition, at its citrus processing plant, the company has installed solar energy systems to power part of the machinery used in the fruit processing process. This not only reduces the dependence on conventional energy sources, but also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with the global sustainability objectives that Grupo Ruiz has adopted in its business strategy.(

The importance of technological innovation in the future of Grupo Ruiz

The use of state-of-the-art machinery is just one part of the comprehensive approach that Grupo Ruiz has adopted to improve its competitiveness and sustainability in the Argentine Northwest. The company also continually invests in research and development (R&D) to stay at the forefront of technological innovations in the agricultural sector. Through strategic alliances with research centers, such as the Obispo Colombres Agroindustrial Experimental Station, Grupo Ruiz is constantly looking for new ways to optimize its processes and improve the quality of its products.

Journalist and passionate about the Asian world.


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