Beijing’s Yanqing district plans to build a world-class tourism area centered around the UNESCO World Heritage site of Badaling Great Wall, local officials said.

As early as this year, the district will establish tourist trails linking sections of the Great Wall and upgrade the business models of the Great Wall Museum of China and nearby commercial strips to meet demand for accommodation, food and shopping in an improved manner.

The museum’s new exhibition rooms are still under construction, with an estimated area of ​​around 16 thousand square meters. Various activities are also expected to be launched, including a culture festival, a forum and a concert, according to the district government.

The country’s main postcard, the Great Wall of China has a total length of more than 20 thousand kilometers. Beijing has a total of approximately 520 kilometers of tourist spot, of which the Badaling section is the most visited. Since the area was opened to tourists in 1958, it has received more than 200 million visitors.


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